

Learning English through Workplace Communication 


2013 DSE P2 Q6 (Mock)

Your boss has found that many people are working in the office overtime. You are asked to write an article describing the situation, discussing the negative impacts, and suggesting remedies to this. 

(about 400 words)


2013 IELTS (Mock)

Your manager has observed that many subordinates are staying in the office very late. You are asked to write an article for the company newsletter, describing this phenomenon, harmful impacts, and give suggestions to improve the situation.  

 (250 words or above)



【五大鋪墊】 = 【現】現象/現實例子;





   灰底    該段Topic Sentence


Stop Staying Late At Work! Here’s Why You Need To Leave On Time


Paragraph 1

【現】The clock is ticking towards closing time, and every colleague is finishing the last of their tasks for the day. You decide that you want to stay later to be more “advanced” than the others. Everyone grabs their belongings and politely says their goodbyes to you as they leave the office, one by one. Some of your coworkers might think you’re a workaholic (工作狂), while others may notice your outstanding dedication. In your mind, you believe the more you work, the more productive you are. 【表】However, the extra time you put in is taking time out of your personal life. 


Paragraph 2

【讓/表】Work can be overwhelming, but it isn’t worth losing some precious time you will never get back. Even if you believe you are doing a good deed for your workplace, staying later can have deleterious effects on your physical and mental health, and it does not increase productivity. 



Physical & Mental Health

Paragraph 3

【理】Overworking yourself can cause an excessive strain (拉緊)on your physical and mental condition Discussing the avalanche (雪崩) of negative effects on health, we found the extra time spent at work can result in fatigue (疲乏), insomnia(失眠), lack of concentration(缺乏集中力), lack of energy (缺乏能量), and even a loss of appetite (喪失食慾). Moreover, it causes high levels of mental stress (精神高壓), anxiety(憂心) and yet depression(抑鬱)



Paragraph 4

【他】Some studies indicate extreme work circumstances can cause premature death (過早死亡), especially if your job involves a lot of sitting. Other surveys imply working over 55 hours a week can put you at risk of cardiovascular problems (心血管問題)



Paragraph 5

【表】What’s the solution? Recharge your body and spirit, ranging from exercising, resting to spending leisure more. All these are salutary (有益健康的)to both our physical and mental health. If you stay late during the evening without recharging, you will feel tired the next day, as in turn causes you to stay late the next day. Obviously, a vicious cycle will be formed to jeopardize your physical and mental condition.  



Decrease in Productivity and Job Performance

Paragraph 6

【理】Overworking can cause you to perform a poor job performance. The more you work, the more sleep-deprived(睡眠被剝奪) you are. Sleep deprivation will cause you to feel sluggish (無精打采的)with little to no energy. Furthermore, it can cause you to lose focus on handling important details in jobs, thus lower your productivity.  



Paragraph 7

【現】A reduction in productivity also brings an economical burden on businesses. When workers are fatigued(無精打采的)and less productive, they tend to be less motivated. Health care expenses caused by fatigue may cost companies millions of dollars a year.



Paragraph 8

【表】So, are there any antidotes (解藥)? Get a good night’s sleep; detach yourself from work and back home earlier. It is important to have a consistent sleeping schedule during the week to perform your best. There are many apps to track your sleeping habits that will help ensure enough time to rest.



Paragraph 9

【讓】It is undeniable that working overtime is sometimes inescapable in this hectic metropolitan.  Nevertheless, problems resulting from working overtime are ubiquitous (普遍存在的) and it is worth to stir up a hot introspection(反思) within our society.【表】All in all, learn to set boundaries between work and your personal life. Find time for yourself to relax and reaccess(重新處理) any unbalanced priorities that will cause you to lose sleep at night. Only then will all these be beneficial to your health condition, as well as your working performance in long term.



按此了解【DSE英文、IELTS寫作範文:Stop Staying Late At Work! Here’s Why You Need To Leave On Time 詳解版】

關於作者 Tomato Yip


26 10 月, 2023

內容目錄 範文內容說明詳解、規劃、爆Points範文簡潔版 範文內容說明詳解、規劃、爆PointsLearni

24 10 月, 2023

範文內容說明詳解、規劃、爆Points Learning English through Workplace

24 10 月, 2023

內容目錄 DSE英文、IELTS寫作範文內容範文內容說明詳解、規劃、爆Points 美國口音誦讀文章DSE英文

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