「人物觀點/人名」題型在DSE英文Reading Paper1試題中,一般是within 1-2段的(如下例)。在這1-2段裡頭,會講到幾個「大寫起頭的人名」,並提出他們的觀點。由於人名必是【大寫名詞】,在段落scanning時找他們出來不會太難。但有一點要留意,「Questions中的人名」跟Text是不呈順序性的





DSE 英文Reading Paper 1人物觀點 題型 解題3部曲

步驟1: 透過「Topic Sentence速讀」,GPS定位出有提及過「名字」的1-2段。

步驟2: 在Questions中的statement圈出「關鍵字」。

步驟3: 於該1-2段中【倒過來】找「對應句子」,然後向前(或向後)看看是「誰的」。




DSE 英文Reading Paper 1人物觀點 題型 「做題步驟示範」



The agricultural risks handling

Paragraph 5

To mitigate the risks farmers face, most specialists on the agriculture field called for the greater intervention of the state. 


Paragraph 6

Kentucky F. Morris, Chairman of the International Fund for Agricultural Association, suggested that the government can significantly reduce risks for farmers by providing public utilities, such as roads to access markets, or water and food storage facilities. Sherlock Levi, a senior consultant to the Food Policy Research Department, argued that the procurement of the stocks by collaborative groups with the help of the government can mitigate the high fluctuations in food prices by alleviating uncertainty thereof. 


Paragraph 7

Terry Fung, General Director of the Institute for Agriculture and Welfare, held up social safety nets and public welfare programmes in Uganda, Congo and Kenya as valuable ways to address poverty among farming families and reduce their vulnerability to agricultural shocks. Regarding state assistance for agriculture, Rocky Kenneth, Chief Executive officer of the Agriculture Department of the Kampala University, commented in his essay that these have not compensated for the needy strangled by some private traders. Studies show that those beneficiaries are not poor, but rich landowners and big businessmen who trade agricultural produces. 



Who holds the following view?

Q11. Financial subsidies from the government cannot go to those farmers who are really in need. 

Ans. ___________

Q12. Farmers can benefit from buying in bulk. 


Q13. Improvement of infrastructure can alleviate risks to farmers drastically. 




A) Rocky Kenneth

B) Sherlock Levi

C) Kentucky F. Morris

D) Terry Fung



步驟1: 透過「Topic Sentence速讀」,GPS定位出有提及過「名字」的1-2段。

假設在整篇The agricultural risks handling(農業風險處理)的文章中,在topic sentence速讀系統完成後,在paragraph 6及7【有印象】提及某些專家觀點。




Paragraph 6

Kentucky F. Morris, Chairman of the International Fund for Agricultural Association, suggested that the government can significantly reduce risks for farmers by providing public utilities, such as roads to access markets, or water and food storage facilities. Sherlock Levi, a senior consultant to the Food Policy Research Department, argued that the procurement of the stocks by collaborative groups with the help of the government can mitigate the high fluctuations in food prices by alleviating uncertainty thereof. 


Paragraph 7

Terry Fung, General Director of the Institute for Agriculture and Welfare, held up social safety nets and public welfare programmes in Uganda, Congo and Kenya as valuable ways to address poverty among farming families and reduce their vulnerability to agricultural shocks. Regarding state assistance for agriculture, Rocky Kenneth, Chief Executive officer of the Agriculture Department of the Kampala University, commented in his essay that these have not compensated for the needy strangled by some private traders. Studies show that those beneficiaries are not poor, but rich landowners and big businessmen who trade agricultural produces. 



步驟2/3: Questions中的statement圈出「關鍵字」於該1-2段中【倒過來】找「對應句子」,然後向前(或向後)看看是「誰的」。

Q11. Financial subsidies from the government cannot go to those farmers who are really in need

在Q11我會挑2組「關鍵組合」:Financial subsidies、not…farmers in need。關乎如何挑選「關鍵字」的技術,請【按此:7+3視覺英語DSE Paper 1深度技巧速成】。

由於我會【倒過來找】,我在paragraph 7的段尾先找,果然:

【原文對應句子】these have not compensated for the needy strangled by some private traders

Q11keywords原文(Paragraph 7)對應原則
financial subsidiescompensated for近義組合
not …farmers in neednot… the needy近義詞

向前望:  Q11Ans.: A) Rocky Kenneth


Q12. Farmers can benefit from buying in bulk

在Q12我會挑2組「關鍵組合」:farmers benefit、buying in bulk。

由於我會【倒過來找】,我在paragraph 6的段尾找到:

【原文對應句子】the procurement of the stocks by collaborative groups with the help of the government can mitigate the high fluctuations in food prices

Q12 keywords原文(Paragraph 6)對應原則
farmers…benefitmitigate…the food price衍生意義
Buying in bulkby collaborative groups近義組合

向前望:  Q12Ans.: B) Sherlock Levi


Q13. Improvement of infrastructure can alleviate risks to farmers drastically. 

在Q13我會挑2組「關鍵組合」: improvement of infrastructure、alleviate risks。

我在paragraph 6的段頭找到:

【原文對應句子】the government can significantly reduce risks for farmers by providing public utilities

Q12 keywords原文(Paragraph 6)對應原則
improvement of infrastructureproviding public utilities 近義組合
Alleviate risks reduce risks近義詞+原字對應

向前望:  Q13Ans.: C) Kentucky F. Morris


P.S. 至於Terry Fung 這個干擾項名字,有什麼說過/沒說過什麼,我都沒興趣理(無謂多想)。



1. Reading要有「操練系統」:透過「7句型公式+3語構顏色」進行Reading長難句【拆解操練】—只要習慣用7+3這種Syntax(語構學)思維來【重點理解】文章,Reading的速度自然就能提升。


2. Reading要「思路直接」:熟悉題型的「做題steps」,減少「思路兜圈」以致浪費考試寶貴時間。




關於作者 Tomato Yip



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