Relative clause

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  • #492
    Admin. HostAdmin. Host

    Hi Tomato!

    請問This is the place where we played basketball yesterday 是否可以改成 this is the place that we played basketball at yesterday 還是 this is the place that we played basketball yesterday?

    This is the hotel that we stayed yesterday,鑑於that只可以吞object ,是否應該改成stayed at?


    Tomato YipTomato Yip

    This is the place where we played basketball yesterday 可以改成 this is the place that we played basketball at yesterday。

    where 是relative abverb, 既可吞n. 又可吞Adv(prep.)

    但當Where 改了that/which 的時侯(relative pron.)就失去了吞adverb(prep )的功能,所以:

    This is the place that we played basketball yesterday 是不正確。

    This is the hotel that we stayed yesterday,鑑於that只可以吞object ,是否應該改成stayed at? 對,改成有at 才正確。

    Admin. HostAdmin. Host

    你好tomato sir

    We met last summer ________the temperature was blazing hot.

    因此想問下哪些前面不加preposition 的time phrases 在relative clause 中是加which 定when

    我在google ngram 查過last summer when, last summer which 結果是以last summer when為主所以唔明。

    Tomato YipTomato Yip


    which 是relative pronoun 即是有能力【吞n】而已;

    when 是relative adverb 即是有能力【吞adverbial】(prep+n)。

    We met last summer ________the temperature was blazing hot.

    子句加返要形容的【主句部份】進去,會是:the temperature was blazing hot【 last summer】。而last summer這裡是adverb組合(不單吞summer一字,還吞埋last), 所以應該用when 而不用which.


    We always have a summer ________ blazes people.

    子句加返要形容的【主句部份】進去,會是:【a summer】blazes people。而summer 這裡是noun(吞subject), 所以用which而不用when。

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